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Picture Frame Stand - Large

Suitable for frames upto 12"/ 300mm high

" ["sku"]=> string(11) "Large Stand" ["price"]=> string(4) "1.95" ["regular_price"]=> string(4) "1.95" ["sale_price"]=> string(0) "" ["date_on_sale_from"]=> NULL ["date_on_sale_to"]=> NULL ["total_sales"]=> int(0) ["tax_status"]=> string(7) "taxable" ["tax_class"]=> string(0) "" ["manage_stock"]=> bool(false) ["stock_quantity"]=> NULL ["stock_status"]=> string(7) "instock" ["backorders"]=> string(2) "no" ["low_stock_amount"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_individually"]=> bool(false) ["weight"]=> string(0) "" ["length"]=> string(0) "" ["width"]=> string(0) "" ["height"]=> string(0) "" ["upsell_ids"]=> array(0) { } ["cross_sell_ids"]=> array(0) { } ["parent_id"]=> int(0) ["reviews_allowed"]=> bool(false) ["purchase_note"]=> string(0) "" ["attributes"]=> array(1) { ["pa_accessories"]=> object(WC_Product_Attribute)#16813 (1) { ["data":protected]=> array(6) { ["id"]=> int(9) ["name"]=> string(14) "pa_accessories" ["options"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(180) } ["position"]=> int(0) ["visible"]=> 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"3.35" ["taxes"]=> array(1) { [1]=> float(0.67) } } ["meta_data":protected]=> array(1) { ["Items"]=> string(37) "Picture Frame Stand - Large × 1" } } } ["default_totals":protected]=> array(15) { ["subtotal"]=> int(0) ["subtotal_tax"]=> int(0) ["shipping_total"]=> int(0) ["shipping_tax"]=> int(0) ["shipping_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["discount_total"]=> int(0) ["discount_tax"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_total"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_tax"]=> int(0) ["cart_contents_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["fee_total"]=> int(0) ["fee_tax"]=> int(0) ["fee_taxes"]=> array(0) { } ["total"]=> int(0) ["total_tax"]=> int(0) } ["totals":protected]=> array(15) { ["subtotal"]=> string(4) "1.63" ["subtotal_tax"]=> float(0.32) ["shipping_total"]=> string(4) "3.35" ["shipping_tax"]=> float(0.67) ["shipping_taxes"]=> array(1) { [1]=> float(0.67) } ["discount_total"]=> float(0) ["discount_tax"]=> float(0) ["cart_contents_total"]=> string(4) "1.63" ["cart_contents_tax"]=> float(0.32) ["cart_contents_taxes"]=> array(1) { 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Free Delivery on orders over £50 (Standard UK Postcodes only)

Create bespoke custom size picture, poster, and photo frames simply enter the image size and choose a frame.


Select how many pictures you are framing in the same frame

Choose your frame colour and style.


Acrylic is used instead of glass. If you select ‘no glazing’ you will not receive anything to cover your picture, your frame will only be supplied with a backing board

Frame Variables
Min X
Min Y
Max X
Max Y
Large X
Large Y
Large Multi X
Large Multi Y
Jumbo Mount X
Jumbo Mount Y
Multi Frame Gap
Multi Frame Mount
Large Frame Price increase (%)
Small Frame Price increase (%)
Max Small Frame Width
Max Medium Frame Width
Max Large Frame Width
Max Small Frame Size X
Max Small Frame Size Y
Max Medium Frame Size X
Max Medium Frame Size Y
Max Large Frame Size X
Max Large Frame Size Y
Additional frame cost
The Frame Variables set in ACF options. We use this to calculate the mount price and glazing (check data-attributes)
0 to 400
401 to 799
800 to 1109
1110 to 1809
1810 to 2399
2400 to 2799
2800 to 2999
3000 to 3199
3200 to 3640
3641 to 3999
4000 to 6000

'Lytham Shrimp Boat Moonrise'  Photo taken by Landscape Photographer Peter Laurence
Supplied double mounted, select the colour and size mount above.
Image size approx 12 x 16" / 308 x 406mm

This is the product form ie what will be added to the basket with the custom fields etc.
(inc. VAT)
(exc. VAT)

Number of pictures:

Frame layout:

Image Size(s):



Artwork (if applicable):

Top Mount:

Bottom Mount: